AssetWise Inspections

Getting Started

This section describes the basics of AssetWise Inspections, including: the login process, navigation of the software, and the logout process.

Logging In

With the release of AssetWise Inspections CONNECT Edition (CE), AssetWise Inspections is now utilizing Bentley's Identity Management System (IMS). Bentley IMS is a single sign-on system that allows users to use one account for multiple Bentley products. The user's computer remembers the Bentley credentials so that logging in to any Bentley software is quick and easy.

To log in, enter the email and password for the account and click the Sign In button. If the Bentley IMS account email address matches an account within the agency's AssetWise Inspections system, the user will be logged in to the system.

If the Bentley IMS account email address does not match an account within the agency's AssetWise Inspections system or the password is incorrect, the user will be notified and will need to contact the administrator to fix the issue.

To create a new Bentley IMS account, click the Register link.

Logging Out

Logging out of AssetWise Inspections is mostly necessary when multiple users are sharing one device or if an administrator needs to utilize more than one account. Users can log out of the system in two ways: Using the Logout option in the Main tab or using the Logout option in the bottom right corner of the screen. The following screenshot displays the two methods of logging out of the system: